Rachakonda CP Highlights Success In Crime Reduction With Technology And Quick Response

Rachakonda police commissioner, Sudheer Babu, said that outstanding crime reductions were possible only with the visible policing, rapid response systems, and modern technology. Releasing the annual report for the year 2024, he spoke of all the achievements made in the commissionerate while solving cases and in ensuring people's safety.

Statistics and Success Story

  • Total Cases Registered: 33,084 cases were reported in 2024, out of which 25,143 were solved successfully.
  • Patrolling Efficiency: The patrol teams were operating in three shifts, thus enhancing visibility and response times.
  • State Leader in Case Resolution: Rachakonda stood at the top of the state with the highest number of cases resolved.

Convictions and Sentences

  • Life Sentences: As many as 30 people were given life imprisonment this year, the highest in the state.
  • Sensational Cases: As many as 14 accused were given life term in Motakondur PS jurisdiction alone.
  • Conviction: Total 160 were convicted in different cases.

Cyber Crime and Recovery of Financial Loss

  • Cases Resolved: 2,41,742 complaints have been resolved through Dial 100.
  • Cyber Fraud Recoveries: Rs. 22 crore has been recovered to the cyber fraud victims.

Success in Lok Adalat

  • Cases Settled: 11,440 cases and 70,791 petty cases have been settled through Lok Adalat.

Crime Trends End

  • Minimum Rise: Total crime in all sections rose by a mere 4%.
  • Theft and Domestic Violence: The number of cases in theft came down by 6%, while the cases on domestic violence have come down by 23%.
  • Murder Cases: Murder cases, like last year, did not register an increase.

Drug Seizures and Offender Arrests

  • Drugs Seized: Drugs to the tune of Rs. 88.25 crores were seized.
  • Drug Offenders Arrested: A total of 521 drug offenders were arrested.

Election Security Measures

  • Rowdy Sheets Opened: The total rowdy sheets opened against the accused stand at 165.
  • Goods Impounded: Liquor and cash of Rs. 16 crores was impounded during election

CP Sudheer Babu told the above achievements were a result of cooperation between police and enforcement officials, technological advance and preventive approach towards crime.

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